Online Portal

Online Portal

Online Portal

We are excited to announce the official launch of our online portal.

This initial version is just the beginning; we plan to introduce and roll out new features every month for the foreseeable future.

Current Capabilities

The portal's initial capabilities are owner centric. Providing features to each owner that has a unit in buildings we manage. Let's dive in.

All your accounts in one place

Accounts and Levy Statements

In the image you can see a breakdown, of an Account "Casper" with all the Levy Accounts (GMT001, GMA001 and so on) that belong to "Casper". This page will display all the Accounts you have across all the buildings we manage with their corresponding Levy Accounts.

From here you can see what building the Levy Account belongs to, the Door number and the Current Balance. It allows you to download a statement, Modify the contact and billing details as well as change certain features.

Download Statements

Download Statements

You can Download your own Levy Statements. simply select the from and to date and choose PDF or Excel.

Please note that the earliest data on the system will vary from building to building but should go back as far as 2021. If your building joined as after that, the data would only start at the date you joined the GMA family.

  • PDF - Will Provide a standard PDF document that looks similar (but not exactly) like the statements we send monthly
  • Excel - Provides an xlsx format excel document with a table and some slicers. This document is interactive, can be filtered ad sorted allowing you the ability to better relate to the data. We have created a small post on how to interact with the excel version.

User Profile

User profile

This page is associated with your online profile at GMA. It is important not to confuse this with your account. While many individuals may have multiple accounts, each person has a unique ID number. Editing this page will update your contact and website details, not your account details.

Modify Account

Modify Button

The button can be found next to the Account as indicated above, this button allows you to edit the Contact details and Billing address for this specific account as indicated below.

Modify account details

Levy Account Page

Edit Button

Can be accessed by clicking on the edit button next to the Levy account you want to inspect.

This page provides:-

  • The Full Age, Current to 180 Days +
  • The Billing Details for the Levy Account
  • Indicates if this account has been handed over
  • Indicates if it has an active payment arrangement
  • Allows you to turn our Friendly Letter service on or off
  • And the option to Download a statement
Levy Account Page

We are excited to announce the launch of our interactive portal. While we anticipate some initial issues and are prepared to address any bugs that may arise, the initial features, though seemingly modest, are designed to significantly enhance your convenience.

The Future

We are thrilled about these features and we promise to add more in the near future. You will be notified as new features become available. Please watch this space!