Who is responsible for cleaning a rental property at the end of the lease?

Who is responsible for cleaning a rental property at the end of the lease?

Are tenants responsible for cleaning a rented property at the end of their tenancy?

This is an opinion piece!

When vacating a rented property, it is expected that the property is returned to the landlord or the landlord’s agents in a clean and tidy condition. One would now ask what the requirements are when moving out, must I clean the place? I can find no law binding a tenant to do so but would imagine and act in a manner whereby you would need to bear in mind, if you were the new tenant moving in, would I be happy with the condition? You should clean the property. Your general weekly run-of-the-mill cleaning will not cut the type of cleaning required when moving out of a property.

I would start with a take-charge attitude! Anything other than fair wear and tear is the outgoing tenant’s responsibility. Don’t wait for your landlord or agent to have to do an inspection and then be forced to appoint contractors to do the cleaning at your cost. Plan your departure, you will be aware of imminent departure months in advance, and I implore that you take charge and put in the necessary time and planning.

The golden rule I am trying to impart here is to leave it the same way as you wish to find it. If we adopt this behavior in all aspects of life the world suddenly becomes a better place.

Spring Clean Versus Weekly General Clean

You will require more than the usual weekly cleaning when moving out of a property and premises. When moving out we tend to leave our domestic at the property while we frantically move out and expect our domestic to understand what is required. Your domestic will not know what the expectation is if you do not discuss the expectation beforehand. You can leave her with a bucket, broom and mop and expect her to mind read that aspiring clean is required, when a general weekly cleaning will be done, as that is what her usual routine will dictate, and you will be billed for cleaning by your landlord or agent.  We advise that you communicate clearly to your domestic what your expectations are or better yet employ the services of a professional cleaning company to ensure the property is thoroughly cleaned.

Specific Spring clean …. End of tenancy spring clean.

Some handy tips on how to clean the property when moving out.

·        Ensure every cupboard is wiped externally and internally.

·        Wash down the walls. If you smoked inside the unit during your tenancy, the paint will likely be required.

·        Properly clean the bathrooms.

·        Wipe away any finger marks around light switches.

·        Clean windows, frames, and windowsills.

·        Ensure carpets are washed and cleaned.

·        Clean laminate floors and tiles, corner to corner.

Bathrooms will require a thorough cleanse from the top to bottom. Clean the bathroom taps, tiles, drains basin, bath, shower, doors, tiles, and grouting. This should have been done during your tenancy to avoid mould.

Kitchen – the kitchen cupboards, counter and sink as well as the oven and stove need a proper clean. Below are some tips on how to clean the oven and stove.

Oven and stove clean –

·        Remove the knobs, and make sure the oven and stove are switched off.  

·        Use a general oven cleaner and follow all safety precautions as stipulated on the product. Protect the floor in front of the oven from dripping cleaner.

·        Spray generously inside the oven with the cleaner, close the door and let it soak.

·        Remove stove and oven grates and place in a sink with hot water and mild soap.

·        Clean the stovetop.

·        Wash grates that have been soaking

·        Clean oven – once the cleaner has had time to soak the burnt-on grease, clean the oven. Be sure to wipe down with a clean wet sponge or cloth at the end.

·        Clean the bottom tray.

Ceilings – Wipe and clean with warm water and a cloth. If mould black spots have appeared on any ceiling or wall it may be due to bad ventilation and need to clean with a bleach dilution or a mould and mildew spray. If the mould is particularly bad paint will be required.

Carpets – I recommend a professional carpet cleaning company be booked in advance. Planning and booking are vital as cleaning companies are generally busier at the beginning and end of the month. A new tenant can’t move in with wet carpets. The property needs to be properly aired and ventilated the day before you hand over the key to ensure the carpets are dry. I urge you to remember to arrange the carpet cleaning for the morning to ventilate and drywall for the rest of the day – if only done late in the day and not well ventilated, you could end up being liable for replacing carpets as once that damp smell gets into them you cannot remove it.

Touch-ups– If you place holes in walls which you require written permission to do, a touch-up will not be accepted. You will need to fill the holes and paint the area from wall to wall or corner to corner. Patchpaint shows as paint fades and the colour won’t match.

Outside areas – ensure the grass is cut, bushes trimmed and that the garden is left in an overall neat condition. Remember to book your last garden service visit for a day close to when you move out. Also, ensure the pool is left clean and in working order along with any implements provided by the landlord. Patios and courtyards need to be swept and all refuse and rubbish should be removed and taken to your local dumpsite.

Alarm and security system - Notify your security company that you will be either moving the contract to your new residence or that you are terminating the contract. Its best to check out your contract with your security company and terminate it per the agreed terms.

General repairs – ensure that you fix anything damaged or broken during your tenancy. If you can do this, do so but the workmanship needs to be of the same quality as an industry professional. If you are unable to do the work yourself, contact a contractor for assistance. Your agent may also be able to provide you with a contractor’s details and information.

Blinds and curtains – If your agreement at the property included blinds or curtains ensure to have these cleaned before moving out. If you are unsure of how to clean the curtains, contact your landlord and or agent to confirm specific cleaning instructions. If blinds and curtains are not cleaned the agent will need to have this cleaned at your cost.

If appliances are included in the rental of your property, it is vital to return the appliances in a clean and working condition. Clean the dishwasher and washing machine, clean the doors to the appliances clean out the soap drawers and filters. Ensure the rubber on the machines is wiped and defrost and clean all fridges and freezers. Clean the toaster, descale the kettle, and clean the microwave inside and out. Ensure the surfaces behind and underneath the appliances are cleaned too.

Light bulbs and globes – make sure the light bulbs are working and replace pectany globes that are not working.

Dustbins – Please leave the refuse bin empty. Please do not expect a new resident to remove your last-minute throwaways. If you leave your bin full the agent will need to get a contractor to empty your refuse, and this will be billed to you. The callouts range from anything between R550.00 to R750.00. The same applies to anything lying around that needs to be removed from the property.

Take your final refuse and anything else that you want to get rid of to the dump site so that the refuse bin is clean and ready for the next occupant. The employees at the dump sites are very friendly and helpful and it takes a quick trip.

We recommend that you do not leave the prepaid electricity meter on a zero balance as moving is stressful enough as it is. Make sure you return the prepaid meter card or have the prepaid electricity meter number ready for the agent or new resident.

Please have all keys and remotes ready for handover.

Redirect your post well in advance, the Post Office will redirect for a few months at no extra charge.

The property should be returned in clean condition throughout. Please don’t adopt the attitude – “those windows weren’t done for by the previous tenant so why should we do it…”

Be mindful that you were there for the duration of the lease, most likely a year or more, so whether it was handed over clean or not, you will need to clean thoroughly as you were in occupation and enjoying the use of the property.

GOLDEN RULE: WHEN VACATING A PROPERTY… Leave it as you would like to find it!