Debtors Dashboard
I'm thrilled to share our latest report with you. The data dashboard is an in-house creation designed to give a comprehensive overview of outstanding levies, the current state of legal recoveries, and debtor-related matters.
Let's face it debtors AKA outstanding levies, is the single most contentious issue at a complex (although pet policies come close). Most complexes have some sort of credit control (or at least they should have). We've observed that without a credit policy, the same pattern emerges; outstanding levies increase, and the bank balance decreases. This is an inevitable outcome.
While we'd like to think everyone in our complex willingly pays their levies (even if reluctantly), this is rarely the case.
Our monthly report, sent to trustees, is intended to provide a clear understanding of the current situation, enabling well-informed decision-making. Static PDF reports are a thing of the past; we want you to interact with the reports. Highlighting key points and visualizing figures helps trustees, while also offering all the necessary data for those who wish to conduct a deeper analysis.
Before we dive into the examples, please note that the provided scenarios are purely hypothetical. If a body corporate named Tasty Sands does exist, the data presented here is unrelated to it.
Let's get started!
The Summary Page
This provides a snapshot of everything Debtor related, most of the time this is all you need; however, we also include more detailed data for those who need it. 👍

I'll begin with the navigation. On the far left, you'll find the navigation bar, which consists of five sections. These same sections are also accessible at the bottom as Excel tabs. You can ignore the data tab.

- Summary - The Page that you are currently looking at
- Legal - Provides you with a more detailed view of all the current legal cases
- Services - Provides a more detailed view of any units that might have limited services
- Arrangements – Provides a more detailed view of any Active Payment arrangements.
- Age analysis – Provides a detailed list of the Age Analysis
Let's consider the rest of the Summary Page.
- Total Outstanding – Indicates the total outstanding debt for the building. Be mindful that this includes the Debit and Credit balances of all accounts.
- Total AOD Collections – This amount represents all levies collected with Agreements. Note this will only take into account Active Agreements, Agreements that have been concluded or have been cancelled due to the debtor failing their obligations, will not be included in this figure.
- Total AOD Target – All payment arrangements are due by the 7th of the month. This amount represents the total amount that should be collected (If everyone pays arrangements) from all payment arrangements combined on the 7th.
- Total Disconnected – The amount represents the total debt of all units that have their Services suspended in one way or another.
- Bottom 10
- Provides a Summary of the 10 accounts that owe the most. It indicates their total Debts as well as
- If they are at legal
- If they have an active payment arrangement
- If they have services suspended
- It also provides you with the total Debt by these 10 units. (An interesting note, if you compare this total with the Total Outstanding Total, it provides an interesting metric on how much of the total debt belongs to the top 10.
- Provides a Summary of the 10 accounts that owe the most. It indicates their total Debts as well as
- Total Legal – Indicates how many accounts are at Legal
- Total Disconnected – Indicates how many accounts have their services suspended
- Total Arrangements - Indicates how many accounts have payment arrangements
- Total Up to date - Indicates how many accounts are up to date
The Top of the Report also indicates a few important points
- The Name of the Building this report belongs to: Tasty Sands Body Corporate
- The Month of the Report: May 2024
- The Date it was Created: 2024/05/07 (This date is important since it will have updated balances to this date and will thus differ from the Age Analysis in your monthly Management Pack)
Visual indicators will enhance the comprehension of the present debt status and recovery processes.

Debt By Scenario
Indicates the areas into which collection debt falls. For instance, in this scenario
- 3 accounts have active payment arrangements, but the total outstanding debt of those 3 accounts is currently R 317.96.
- There are 5 accounts handed over for legal collection, combined those 5 accounts owe R 495 275.14
Current Outstanding
Indicates the total debt of the building represented by how old the debt is.
Using the example provided, we notice the following.
- The (180 + Days) column represents the most debt. This is indicative that the 5 accounts handed over to legal make up the bulk of the outstanding debt.
- The amounts for (60 Days to 150 Days) are more or less the same, suggesting that the amounts there, also belong to the 5 accounts at legal.
- (30 Days) is slightly more than (60 Days) and indicate that there may be a few accounts that fell into arrears in the past 30 days.
- (Current) indicates that there are still a few owners that have not paid their current contributions.
Legal Page
Includes all the current legal cases in more detail.

- File Name – This represents the file name from the Attorney’s side
- Account number – The Account number that is at legal
- Status – Provides a descriptive indication of where the file is in the collection Process
- Handover date – Is self-explanatory but indicates the day this file was handed over to the appointed attorney.
- Debt on Handover – Indicates the amount that was owed by this Debtor when the account was handed over to the attorney
- Current Situation – Represents the latest written update on the status of the file.
- Current Debt – Represents the Current amount owed by the Debtor
- Difference – Shows the Difference between the Current Debt and the Debt on handover
Service Page

- Account number – The Account number that has services suspended.
- Status – Indicates if this unit is suspended or not (This list will only show units that were suspended recently or are suspended)
- Date of instruction – The date the suspension was requested by GMA
- Meter Reading on Disconnection – Provides the meter reading on the date of suspension
- Disconnection instruction to – The person that was tasked with carrying out the Suspension
- Debtor Name – The Name of the Debtor
Arrangement Page
More detail on each of the active payment arrangements are provided on this page

- Account number - The Account number that has an active downpayment Arrangement
- Start Date – The date the Agreement started (Not to be confused with the date the agreement was signed). This date represents the first day that the “Minimum Required monthly Payment” is due.
- End Date – Represents the last day the “Minimum Required monthly Payment” is due.
- Term – The number of months the agreement will last
- Target Payment – Represents the Total amount that is due on this agreement to date. For example, if the Minimum Required monthly Payment is R5000 and we are in term 2 of the agreement, then The Target Payment will be (R5000 x 2 = R10 000).
- Actual Payment – Represents the actual payment the Debtor has made since the agreement was signed. This must be equal to or more than the Target Payment on the 8th of each month.
- Difference – Indicates the Difference between Target Payment and Actual Payment. If this is A negative amount, it means the Debtor is adhering to the agreement. If it is positive, it means the Debtor is neglecting to uphold the agreement. A little leniency may be given if they are close to the target.
- Most Recent Payment Amount – Indicates the amount of their most recent payment
- Most Recent Payment Date – Indicates the date of the most recent payment
- Minimum Required monthly Payment - This is the minimum amount that must be paid monthly to abide by the agreement terms.
- Current Debt - Represents the Current amount owed by the Debtor
Age Analysis Page
Most of you are probably familiar with an Age Analysis. This is supercharged, allowing you to sort and filter, it provides immediate info on whether debtors are at legal or if they have a payment arrangement.

- Account number - The Account number
- Age Total – Indicates the total amount owed by the Owner. If it has a “- “it means that this account is in credit. Meaning that the owner has paid more than they needed to
- Age Current – This indicates the amount that is owed for the latest statement
- Age 30 Days to Age 150 Days – This indicates amounts due that are in arrears, an amount in Age 30 Days indicates that this debt was due 30 days ago, Age 60 Days means this amount was owed 60 days or more ago and so on. Normally accounts are only considered in arrears if they fall in 30 days or more.
- Age 180 days – Indicates amounts that are outstanding for 180 Days and more.
- Responsible Party – this is the name of the Owner of the unit.
- Account Type – Indicates if this is an Owner or Tenant Account
- Legal File – Indicates if this account number is currently handed over for collection with an Active Legal File
- Active AOD – Indicates if this account number has an active Payment Agreement
- Active 30-Day Agreements – Indicates if this account number has an active 30-Day grace agreement
The additional fields are self-explanatory and are represented for other reporting preposes.
We are excited to introduce this interactive report. After eighteen months of dedicated effort to build the foundation of our system, we have produced our first automated interactive report. This report pulls data directly from our system and is delivered monthly to Trustees. We look forward to providing more reports in the future and are committed to ongoing improvement.
A video is available providing some insight too.